Use it or lose it!
We are all too familiar with that saying aren’t we?
Use it or lose it!
And unfortunately last week made me realise just how true it is.
A lovely friend of mine and fellow small business owner closed the doors to her gorgeous Town Centre Gift Shop for the last time after facing many struggles over the past couple of years.
Alex, owner of Two Spotty Dogs on West St Mary’s Gate made the difficult decision to close her shop last Saturday after a tough couple of years due to Corona Virus, the imposed Lockdowns and also her own health issues.

I met Alex years ago when I had just started my business, she too had recently launched a new career selling beautiful Italian Made clothing. I bought a lovely top from her at one of my first ever selling events and we instantly became friends. We regularly traded at the same events and watched each other’s businesses grow and develop.
I helped her out a few times covering shifts on her then market stall and later in the shop as she progressed into her new premises.
When Arttopia had to move from our old shop on Cambridge Street and was on the hunt for a new location, we was forced to close for a short time. This meant I had nowhere to trade from temporarily and my customers had no base to buy my handmade soap and bath products. Alex stepped up and offered me space in her shop whilst we found the perfect place and got set up again. I will forever be grateful to her for this.
I know that it wasn't just due to economic struggles and that ill health has also played a big part in Alex’s decision to close her lovely shop (someone’s well being should always come first) but it really is very sad to see the impact that the restrictions imposed on small businesses during the pandemic has had.
I have been very lucky with my business and the fact that I have managed to continue to develop and grow through an online presence and now into my own premises. But I do know that I am in a small minority and that so many other businesses are struggling to crawl back from a difficult couple of years.
So now more than ever this message is really important….
If you love your local shops then support them
Use them …… or sadly you WILL eventually lose them.
To read the full story as reported on Grimsby Live click the link below